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Voice Notes: Rachel Cole

by Abby Kerr

in Uncategorized

About this column

Voice Notes is an occasional special feature. We take you inside the online brand presence of a business owner we think you should know — through a dozen evocative sentence-starters.

Abby (Chief Voice Bureau Officer) says:

When I think of Rachel Cole, I think of the question, “What are you TRULY hungry for?” (It’s her question, by the way, not mine.) Rachel is a CTI Coach who’s taken herself on tour around the U.S., hosting transformational Retreatshops (isn’t that the greatest name?) around the topic of listening to our hungers. She teaches women how to break free from diets and the dieter’s mentality. A champion of self-care for the 21st Century woman, she advocates for a pleasure-based life, she’s an idea artist, and the creator of popular digital books and programs. I just signed myself up for her latest offering, Ease Hunting, which promises to help you find more ease in your life. It’s as simple, and as deep, as that — and it commences September 2nd, 2013.

Rachel Cole, Certified Life Coach & Well-Fed Woman

Rachel Cole is a certified life coach, celebrated retreat leader, and women’s empowerment expert.
→   Find Rachel on: Twitter; Facebook; Pinterest; Instagram

rachelwcole_media3MY TOP 3-5 VOICE VALUES ARE:

Intimacy, Audacity, Helpfulness, Love, and Depth

(Note: Discover your own Voice Values when you subscribe to The Voice Bureau’s Insider Stuff e-letter. Look for the sign-up box in the upper righthand corner of the site.)

Personality typing? Why, yes! I’m:

An INFJ (“The Protector” or “The Foreseer Developer”), an Enneagram Type 3 (The Achiever), and a Leo with double Scorpio.

I do the work I do because:

It’s the work I’m here to do in the world.

An unlikely source of creative inspiration for me is:

House building.

I liken building my business to building a house. I don’t expect to be decorating the third floor in the first year. It’s about laying each brick with care and investing in quality plumbing. This metaphor inspires me and keeps my eye on the prize: a beautiful, unhurried, self-built home that allows me to live my life fully. (Abby’s Note: As a fellow house-and-architecture junkie, I dig this metaphor!)

My brand is all about:

Feeling safe, feeling connected within, and feasting on life.

One thing I know for sure about my Right People is:

They are wise, sensitive women seeking a more delicious life. That’s one thing, right? (Abby’s Note: Right!)

On social media, I find I get most triggered when I see:

One more person attempting to make money from selling ways to make money online.

The next big business challenge for me is:

Creating and offering an in-depth learning experience where people who can’t attend a live retreat with me or do 1:1 coaching can access the same transformative teachings.

If my clients only hold onto one piece of advice from me, I hope it’s:

Their hungers are wise and they are worthy of being deeply well-fed.

If I couldn’t do the work I’m doing now, I’d:

Own a beautiful coastal retreat center for renewal, reconnection, and rest.

I can never get enough:

Of helping women come home to themselves, especially while leading them on retreat.

My favorite question to ask people is:

“What are you TRULY hungry for?”

The best moment in my work week so far has been:

Feeling clarity about how I want to be in business next year and around what I want to offer. I can spend weeks feeling my way through decisions. Clarity comes in its own time and when it arrives, it feels so good. It showed up this week, along with my new computer — probably not a coincidence.

If my business were a movie, the title would be:

Hunger Games

The song/track/album that feels the most like my brand is:

I feel like my brand is singing to my followers “Are You Alright?” by Lucinda Williams. It’s a bit melancholic, but oh so beautiful.

Three words to describe the way I feel about my visual brand identity today is:

Proud. Aligned. Calm.

If I could invite 3 people to dinner to give me their take on my work in the world, I’d invite:

Once I got going I just couldn’t pick 3. I’d circle up Geneen Roth, Elizabeth Lesser, Arianna Huffington, Amanda de Cadenet, Donna Karen, and Jenna Lyons. Oh, why not? Let’s throw Oprah in the mix, too.

The best compliment I’ve ever received from a client is:

Being fired. When a client has learned what they came to learn, and grown in the ways they have needed to grow and they wrap our work in a well-fed place. That is the best compliment.

Three other online voices who really inspire me are:

Truthfully, there are dozens, but a few that come to mind this moment are:

One color I wish was in my visual brand but isn’t (yet) is:

More pink.

I can’t stop staring at [person or brand’s] website.

Most everything by The Darling Tree.

The one ‘essential’ I could totally live without is:

Coffee. I don’t drink it and don’t need it.

My lifestyle, in 3 words:

sensual, creative, gentle

What I really wish you could see about yourself is:

Just how totally enough you are right now.

In the comments, we’d love for you to:

Take a page out of our Voice Notes book and share with us: what 3 words best describe your lifestyle? And where would you like to create more ease in your business or brand? Please feel free to say hi to Rachel while you’re at it.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Sue Koepnick August 29, 2013 at 5:32 am

I love these questions! And I love Rachel W. Cole’s ease and openness. Three words that describe my lifestyle: soulful, simple, evolving.


Abby Kerr August 29, 2013 at 9:56 am

So glad you enjoyed the feature, Sue. Thanks for sharing your 3 words. Feels really peaceful.


Adonica August 27, 2014 at 5:54 am

Ah yes, nicely put, evynoere.


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