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Why I’m Taking an August Social Media Hiatus

by Abby Kerr

in Uncategorized

About this column

Statement RingI’m taking a social media conversation hiatus for most of August 2012.

I’m entering full-on creation mode for the next phase of my business. It’s time to clean-slate my brain — at least the part that handles marketing content, online business conversation, professional connectivity, and all things having to do with the teaching and learning of skill sets that support an online business. {My brain will still be treated to daily doses of this story, which truly is as good as everybody’s saying.}

Here’s how I’m running my social media hiatus:

  • logging out of Twitter and Facebook on both my PC and my Mac — and not logging in {this is key}. There may be a few pre-scheduled tweets to share current and vintage content, but nothing over the top. I will not be checking DMs, Facebook messages, or responding to @ replies. My VA will monitor public channels once a day to make sure everything is copacetic;
  • deinstalling all social media iPhone apps;
  • shutting off email notifiers on ALL devices, and
  • refraining from logging into Skype outside of appointments that were scheduled pre-hiatus. No Skype chat.
  • Exceptions: InstaGram for iPhone, which isn’t a rabbit hole for me. My Inbox, which I’ll limit to checking twice daily for no more than 20 minutes, including response time. Emails from clients and prospects will be tended to as always {quickly}. Friends know I’m hiatus-ing and say they’ll only reach out and expect a response if it’s truly acute {or, if they’re inviting me over for margaritas, in which case the answer will be yes}. For everyone else, my incredible virtual assistant will stand in the gap.

I’ll be working from coffee shops: my favorite suburban Starbucks where, if I’m lucky, I can score the big table for two-with-only-one-chair; the French patisserie downtown with the killer affogatos, and the Euro-inspired marketplace and café that plays a Pandora station I might’ve curated myself. {I’m less thrilled there when it’s Motown station day, which is forgivably not very often. Much love to all the Marvin Gaye fans.} I’ll also work from my home studio, and from long drives into the country, dictating into the Notes feature on my iPhone {but only when I’m the passenger}.

What I’ve been working on behind the scenes for the past few months.

A colleague recently asked me what has changed about my writing business since I began back in early 2010.

My answer? Lots of things: my income levels {in and out of flush, lean, and ‘status quo’ times, as I learned to balance out many factors of building and working a business on my own terms}, my portfolio of experience {to serving, in the beginning, mostly retailers and those connected to the boutique industry, to serving, today, life and business coaches, web designers, bread makers, yoga teachers, natural skincare product line owners, photographers, and dog trainers}, and my bandwidth {very little energy or tolerance for that which doesn’t truly serve me and my clients, and more depth of exploration where it matters}.

But most of all, what has changed since I began my writing business is my vision.

I started Abby Kerr Ink as a holistic, nearly full-service branding/copywriting/marketing outfit, a one-woman show. I had nearly 20 service packages, all with the requisite cute-and-hoping-to-be-memorable names.

I repeatedly sold 3 of the 20 packages, showing me clearly what my audience wanted from me.

After a year like this, I then narrowed my focus dramatically to explore service in one particular area: brand editing. {Remember The Lustermaker?}

Then, early in 2012, I opened back up to serve my market with a skill set that was highly sought after {organic SEO copywriting and brand voice development — oh, that fluid dance}.

Earlier this year, I wrote about my brand identity crisis and how you can go about resolving yours quickly, holistically, and without embarrassment . . . you know, should you ever find yourself in one.

Now, I’m both “niche-ing” more fervently and intentionally, while building my business model to draw on the talents and expertise of others who I madly respect {and would be referring my clients to anyway}.

I’ve never served my clients in a vacuum — I’m known for making strategic, fortuitous referrals and connections in the timeliest seasons for clients and others in my inner circle — and now I’m building that holistic point of view into my business model.

Less collaborative than it will be cooperative {less creative-splash-on-messy-workshop-table, more sinewy-limbed-contemporary-pas-de-deux,-pas-de-trois,-pas-de-quatre}, I envision a cadre of independent, highly skilled and gifted creatives who work independently around a shared vision and project goals: integrity, relationships, clarity, excellence, creativity, futuremindedness, and authenticity.

I’m neither a creative director, exactly, or a project manager, inadvertently — rather, I’m a powerful voice of one, looking to strategically complement other powerful autonomous voices.

For months, I’ve been in conversation and collaboration with a coterie of smart, gifted individuals — creative professionals all, from copywriters to web designers, a social {multi}media strategist/digital storyteller, a holistic-thinking searchologist, and a Swiss army knife of a virtual assistant. I’ve been, and am still in, the process of culling my right partners for this venture.

In October, Abby Kerr Ink — the site, the brand, and the business model — is re-emerging as a new entity.

It will have a new name, an energized and built-out focus on voice as a brand asset, and an enhanced suite of services and learning opportunities to make your online voice carry, connect, and convert. {Because if we’re running businesses, being online is about more than spinning endless loops of conversation, don’t you agree?}

I look forward to sharing more with you.

{ 17 comments… read them below or add one }

Monica August 6, 2012 at 5:19 pm

Enjoy your creative time “off the social grid” I look forward to seeing the next phase of your venture. It’s all about the right people, in every corner. xox


Abby Kerr August 6, 2012 at 5:41 pm

Absolutely it is! Thanks for your support, Monica. :)


Lynn Baldwin-Rhoades August 6, 2012 at 5:27 pm

Happy creating – your clients will benefit big time! – Lynn


Abby Kerr August 6, 2012 at 5:41 pm

Thanks, Lynn! So excited about this!


Naomi Niles August 6, 2012 at 5:32 pm

Wow, how exciting for you! Can’t wait to see how it goes. I’ve also been curtailing social media whenever I need to focus on something. One thing that helped me a lot, especially last year, was a firefox plugin called LeechBlock which actually blocks whichever sites you tell it to. Kind of embarrassing that I had to install it to kick the habit, but it really helped.

Best of luck to you! :)


Abby Kerr August 6, 2012 at 5:42 pm

You know what, I may be LeechBlocking myself as an extra preventative measure. Thanks for the reminder that that software exists.

I imagine that this will feel like a detox. Painful at first to break the SM habit, but then very clarifying.


Leslie Forman August 6, 2012 at 5:37 pm

Enjoy your break! Everything you describe here sounds so… intentional. I can’t wait to see what you create by intentionally cutting off reactive influences and fueling the creative engine. 
P.S. I had to look up the word “copacetic.” Thank you teacher for helping me expand my vocabulary! 


Abby Kerr August 6, 2012 at 5:43 pm

Thank you, Leslie. You’ve hit it: this is ALL about me breaking out of reactivity and creating from a more relaxed place of flow. Appreciate your well wishes as I go on my way! {And glad to help with the new vocab word.} ;)


Elinor Wilde August 6, 2012 at 5:53 pm

Positively salivating to see what happens next – can’t wait.  Have a great break Abby – I’ve just done the same for the last few weeks and it was so refreshing to have this lovely empty echoey (is that a word?) space in my head to allow all sorts of new things to float in. Def something to plan in regularly.


Abby Kerr August 6, 2012 at 6:08 pm

Hey, Elinor! —

Ooh, glad to hear you had a good time away. Yes, it’s occurring to me just how powerful and refreshing breaks like this would be. Something to calendar in!


Hannah Marcotti August 7, 2012 at 11:11 am

I. love. you. Magic making. Yes.


Abby Kerr August 7, 2012 at 11:46 am

Thank you, Hannah. I can’t wait to see what unfolds during this time. xo


Kristina August 7, 2012 at 10:00 pm

     Enjoy your hiatus . . . dive deep and fly high.


Abby Kerr August 7, 2012 at 11:45 pm

Thank you, Kristina! Gladfully received. :)


Tamisha Ford August 8, 2012 at 9:37 pm

Hey Abby.  In full support of your hiatus!  :-)  You have officially inspired me to do 2 weeks soon.  I can’t wait to see what’s next for you.  Also, (after your hiatus of course), I sent someone your way to meet, perhaps for your cooperative efforts you spoke of – if not, at least a networking connection in your lane.  Enjoy these next few weeks!! 


Abby Kerr August 9, 2012 at 12:51 pm

Hey, Tamisha! —

Thanks for your support. I officially *encourage* you to get on that social media hiatus. I’m on Day Three and am seeing big mental and creative rewards already.

And thanks for the connection you’ve made on my behalf. Looking forward to meeting her or him!


Exeter locksmith August 6, 2013 at 5:39 am

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