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On 5 Months of Biz-Building {A Trail Mix Tale}

by Abby Kerr

in Uncategorized

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Colorful trail mix in a heart shaped cookie cutter.

Your entrepreneurial mix: is it satisfying? Is it sustaining you?

This weekend marks the start of my yearly beach vacation with my boyfriend and his parents. I am more than ready for some surf, sand, and what the incomparable Jen Louden calls a “digital sabbatical.”

You see, this will be the first getaway I’ve had in five years where I won’t have to have my cell phone duct taped to me {slight exaggeration} at all times. In years’ past, I even felt guilty about going to play in the waves, because when I did, that was when the girls back at the shop called me with a Point of Sale glitch or a rare but ugly customer meltdown.

I want this vacation to be about the following: chilling out, breathing more deeply, noticing nature, feeling small and in my rightful place {rather than too frantically important}, soaking in Vitamin D {don’t worry — I’ve got sunscreen}, making preliminary notes on the novel I’ll be writing this November, and most importantly, open heartedly strategizing for the future of Abby Kerr Ink.

On Business Planning & Trail Mix Recipe Writing

Sometimes I wonder how far out other people plan their businesses. Five-year plan? Ten-year plan? Even a one-year plan? Admittedly, as I sit here typing this, I’m only sure what I’m doing tomorrow and that’s because I put it on a To Do list.

The first 5.5 months of Abby Kerr Ink has been like making trail mix.

Are you with me? Imagine that my blog posts are like peanuts, my YouTube videos are like raisins, and my Facebook updates are like…banana chips?

I’ve been experimenting with all sorts of sweet and salty, flavorful components, trying to find the perfect recipe to sustain myself for the long, upward hike — knowing that every entrepreneur likes their recipe a little differently. Some like more nuts and others go heavier on the M&M’s. {My entrepreneurial trail mix has M&M’s. Yellow No. 6 be damned.}

So I know I can’t just duplicate someone else’s recipe. I’ve got to find what sustains me, what gives me energy, what I can sell for a darn good price, and what I can share with my right people. {The mix has got to taste good to them, too!}

So, these first 5.5 months have felt sort of…snack-y. I’ve been grazing, subsisting, never truly feeling satisfied but taking in enough sustenance to fuel me for the next leg.

Now I want to really eat.

I want to cook great meals. I want to plan seasonal menus. I want to have something wonderful waiting back at the camp for other creative entrepreneurs who are coming in off their hike. I want to go for five Michelin stars in the “roughing it food” category.

All entrepreneurially speaking, of course.

I’ve been hiking a while. I’m hungry. I want to get my entrepreneurial grub on.

How about you? Are you ready to kick your business up to the next level? What entrepreneurial food are you craving?

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Eric August 13, 2010 at 2:57 pm

I like how you used trail mix and different marketing strategies here. Very creative and it really pops out at people.

I am doing more videos as I did in the past and will be cutting down on the length of my articles and finding out what people want more of so I can deliver.

Got any ideas?

Btw, HAVE FUN taking your vacation. :)

I’ve never been for years so enjoy every second of it!!! :)


Eric August 13, 2010 at 10:57 am

I like how you used trail mix and different marketing strategies here. Very creative and it really pops out at people.

I am doing more videos as I did in the past and will be cutting down on the length of my articles and finding out what people want more of so I can deliver.

Got any ideas?

Btw, HAVE FUN taking your vacation. :)

I’ve never been for years so enjoy every second of it!!! :)


Abby Kerr August 14, 2010 at 12:39 pm

Hey, Eric —

Thanks for commenting and for your encouragement!

As far as what people want more of…I’m discovering that most of my readers {especially those coming from a brick and mortar biz background or from no entrepreneurial background}, not to mention my offline friends and acquaintances, are utterly confounded by how someone could build a mostly-online business that can support a lifestyle. I’m still only at the very beginning of my journey, but the fact is, I DO have clients who have found me online {almost 100% of my current clients, in fact!} and I am making an income. Not a total income to meet my lifestyle needs yet, but an income nonetheless.

Until just a few months ago, I had no idea that people could really do this. And the “how” part was a big mystery.

Since your blog is about how people can build an online biz that’ll support the lifestyle they want, I think it’d be good for you to talk to people who are at least one step behind you. Maybe people who’d LIKE to do that type of thing but don’t have the confidence or the know-how to get started. Since your niche {make money online using a blog as a key tool} is fairly crowded, your challenge {as I see it} is to set yourself apart and give people wanting to do this something they aren’t finding elsewhere. Since you yourself are trying to do this and are still in the relative starter phase, perhaps you could do as I’m trying to do and take your right people with you? Show them the tactical steps you’re taking and be transparent about the ROI.

Just some thoughts from a blogging peer. Hope you don’t mind me riffing for a while. :)

— Abby


Abby Kerr August 14, 2010 at 8:39 am

Hey, Eric —

Thanks for commenting and for your encouragement!

As far as what people want more of…I’m discovering that most of my readers {especially those coming from a brick and mortar biz background or from no entrepreneurial background}, not to mention my offline friends and acquaintances, are utterly confounded by how someone could build a mostly-online business that can support a lifestyle. I’m still only at the very beginning of my journey, but the fact is, I DO have clients who have found me online {almost 100% of my current clients, in fact!} and I am making an income. Not a total income to meet my lifestyle needs yet, but an income nonetheless.

Until just a few months ago, I had no idea that people could really do this. And the “how” part was a big mystery.

Since your blog is about how people can build an online biz that’ll support the lifestyle they want, I think it’d be good for you to talk to people who are at least one step behind you. Maybe people who’d LIKE to do that type of thing but don’t have the confidence or the know-how to get started. Since your niche {make money online using a blog as a key tool} is fairly crowded, your challenge {as I see it} is to set yourself apart and give people wanting to do this something they aren’t finding elsewhere. Since you yourself are trying to do this and are still in the relative starter phase, perhaps you could do as I’m trying to do and take your right people with you? Show them the tactical steps you’re taking and be transparent about the ROI.

Just some thoughts from a blogging peer. Hope you don’t mind me riffing for a while. :)

— Abby


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