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How Brand Evolution Happens {& To Me}

by Abby Kerr

in Uncategorized

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A year ago this week, I was up to big stuff. And here I am again, up to big stuff.

This very week last March, I started Abby Kerr Ink. My retail boutique wasn’t even closed three weeks before I was in my accountant’s office, filing papers for a new business entity. This is the way my entrepreneurial spirit moves me: one done and on to the next. In June of 2010, I took Abby Kerr Ink online and found a much bigger market of creative businesses for my copywriting, consulting, and coaching services.

It’s been quite a year, from last March to this one. Personally, it’s been a year of considerable unrest — leaving a four-year relationship, sojourning through troubled times with family members, and more personal turning-over-the-soil than I’ve experienced since . . . undergrad? At times this past year, I felt as if I was a thirteen year old trapped in a thirty-something’s body. Maybe you can relate.

All of the discomfort was trying to tell me something.

The folded corners of my life weren’t quite meeting up neatly. Everything wanted to unfold. Things needed a new shape.

Unfolding into business evolution

Photo courtesy of Used with permission.

I wrote here about business renovation and why it’s not only an expected part of being a creative person but an essential part. Brand evolution is necessary to keep your ideas relevant and your point of view piqued.

Today begins a new phase of the brand evolution of Abby Kerr Ink.

My e-newsletter subscribers have had an inkling that a change was coming within my business for some time now. Today’s the day I start unfolding that new phase for the world — and for you — because I know you’ve been waiting for it.

I want to unfold, /
I don’t want to stay folded anywhere, /
Because where I am folded, /
There I am a lie . . .

— Rainer Maria Rilke

You haven’t just been waiting for my gift to unfold. We’re all holding our breath in anticipation of each other’s unfolding. Until the moment we step into our rightful realms, we’re secret-keepers toiling in busy-ness {even beautiful, impressive busy-ness}, counting breaths until it’s time to utter the teaching we’re ordained for.

Brand evolution happens at the collision of our innate gifts and talents with our right people’s accidental realization of them.

“Oh my God, you’re good at that.”

“You know you’re a genius in this area.”

“You’re the only person I’d trust to give input on this project.”

We all see each other so much more clearly than we see ourselves. We have extra sensory perception when it comes to other’s brand evolution.

My evolution is coming from an intensely deep place — but it was obvious to my inner circle before it was obvious to me.

Over the past year of writing copy for websites, preaching nichification, consulting on niche-y marketing, and coaching creatives deeper into their entreprenerurial vision, my clients and close friends told me a hundred times what my strangely powerful talent was.

Of course that’s what you do!” one exclaimed.

“You’re the only person I’d hire to do that,” another told me.

“I trust you implicity when it comes to that stuff. You’re my tastemaker,” said a third.

It was when I started listening to and leading with that strangely powerful talent that I realized, “Holy crap. I don’t want to do anything but this.”

You, too, have a strangely powerful talent. It’s the thing that’s so ingrained in your thought patterns, you don’t even notice it. It’s the thing that friends light up at when you do it in front of them. It’s the thing people really hire you for, regardless of what your Services page says you do. It’s that skill you bring to the table more powerfully than anyone else, regardless of training, certification, or years of experiences. It’s that knack of yours that you feel your way into.

Tomorrow’s my birthday, and it’s also the exact one-year anniversary of Abby Kerr Ink. Feels like an auspicious day to declare my new realm and lead this new conversation that I see you’re ready to have.

Hope you’ll meet me here tomorrow as I download the newest and truest from my foundation into yours.

Would love to hear your take on brand evolution in the comments. Do you suspect you’re overlooking a strangely powerful talent of your own?

{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }

Anonymous March 3, 2011 at 1:08 am

yummy can’t wait~! and a little jealous – ready for the same clarity!!


Abby Kerr March 3, 2011 at 1:50 am

I love how you explore your process in front of us, Jen. That’s something I don’t do much of. I do most of my figuring-out behind the scenes. Your modeling of your process is such a great teacher.


Anonymous March 3, 2011 at 2:08 am

will I hope so and that’s it not just complete emotional strip tease for no good reason.


Abby Kerr March 3, 2011 at 2:42 am

Take it off, lady. You teach best naked. {Figuratively speaking.}


Alison Gresik March 3, 2011 at 2:13 am

Yes! I was definitely overlooking a realm that is my natural home and I just couldn’t see it. The blind spot factor is why it’s been so valuable for me over the years to pay for all kinds of professional help — so I can recognize myself in the landscape.


Abby Kerr March 3, 2011 at 2:45 am

Betcha that awareness is informing all kinds of amazing stuff in your own coaching practice. [sigh] Lucky clients of yours. <3


LaVonne Ellis March 3, 2011 at 4:16 am

Can’t wait! And tomorrow is my son’s birthday too, lol.


Abby Kerr March 3, 2011 at 4:41 am

Thanks, LaVonne.

Ooh, a March 3rd birthday for your son, too, huh? Very cool!


Daniela March 3, 2011 at 5:54 am

I can’t wait! And a very Happy Birthday Abby! Sending you love-xx


Abby Kerr March 3, 2011 at 2:04 pm

Thank you, Daniela!


Karichapin March 3, 2011 at 1:51 pm

Happy Birthday, Abby. I have enjoyed following you these past few weeks and I’m glad I’ll be here to see this big change. I love opening doors and closing windows, and new perspectives and beginnings (all that sort of thing) – and it’ll be a delight to watch yours.


Abby Kerr March 3, 2011 at 2:05 pm

Thank you so much, Kari. I’m so glad you’re here with me. :)


Michelle March 3, 2011 at 9:27 pm

Happy birthday! I’m late – going to have to go check after this to see if you’ve posted the update yet :D

I’ve definitely been guilty of overlooking my own talents in the past. Actually, this happened fairly recently in a hilarious way, I was helping a friend out with organizational tips & describing my process – sent her a long email & she immediately replied with “This is great! You should write a guide to this!”. Which, for some reason, had NEVER EVER crossed my mind. Go figure!


Abby Kerr March 4, 2011 at 12:33 am

See, it’s the most innate stuff we overlook. You gonna act on that idea? Is it right for your ideal client?


Michelle March 5, 2011 at 3:25 am

Yes, I am! And yes, yes I do believe it is. 24 hours ago I probably would have waffled about that quite a lot, but luckily for me I had a flash of brilliance earlier today (courtesy of a call with a friend – Tessa Zeng) and now I’m going to say yes :D


Robbie August 26, 2014 at 8:09 pm

I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it’s free? Aweemos!


Bahiehk April 5, 2011 at 9:27 pm

Hi Abby,
Been enjoying reading a string of posts on your blog. This one sure got me thinking.
My strangely powerful talent, I know what it is. Yet I so easily forget when I focus on all sorts of demands from the outside. But it is there, fiercely.
It reminded of Danielle Laporte’s question: What do people thank you for?
As I said got me thinking… on how to find my way back and how to refine it.
Thanks, Bahieh K.


Abby Kerr April 5, 2011 at 11:38 pm

Hi! Thanks for commenting here.

How *awesome* that you know your strangely powerful talent. Lots of people struggle with identifying that — usually because it comes so easily to us, we don’t even see it!

Just out of curiosity, where did Danielle ask that question? This is the second time I’ve seen it come up today. Is from the FSS Digital Experience?


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