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Voice Notes: Melissa Black

by Abby Kerr

in Uncategorized

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Voice Notes is an every-Friday feature. We take you inside the online brand presence of a business owner we think you should know — through a dozen evocative sentence-starters.

Abby (Chief Voice Bureau Officer) says:

When I met Melissa Black about a year and a half ago on Twitter, I had an inkling I’d met my administrative match. As a detail-obsessed person, my client’s experience is very important to me, and I knew that as I shifted from a freelancer model into a boutique digital agency, I’d need someone as detail-attuned as I am to (wo)man the entrance, so to speak. Enter Melissa. There’s no one I’d rather have as the Voice Bureau‘s own Virtual Concierge. If you send us a note through our Contact page, or become a client of ours, you’ll get to know her, too. But you don’t have to wait until then. Here she is, in her own words.

Melissa Black, Virtual Concierge

Melissa Black is Virtual Concierge at The Voice Bureau.
You can also find her at Black Ink VA.
Facebook: Black Ink VA; Twitter: @BlackInkVA; Google+: Black Ink Virtual Assistance

Melissa Black is the Voice Bureau's Virtual Concierge.My top 3-5 Voice Values are:

Innovation, Helpfulness, Power, Playfulness, Love. (Note: Discover your own Voice Values when you subscribe to The Voice Bureau’s Insider Stuff e-letter. Look for the sign-up box in the upper righthand corner of the site.)

Personality typing? Why, yes:

My Myers-Briggs type is INFJ (“The Protector” or “The Foreseer Developer”). I’m a Sagittarius.

I do the work I do because:

It’s immensely satisfying for me to have a part in helping business owners execute their operational and creative visions, and watching it all grow and take shape.

One thing I know for sure about my Right People is:

They are respectful — of me, others, and themselves.

If I could invite 3 people to dinner to give me their take on my work in the world, I’d invite:

Steve Jobs, Katharine Hepburn, Eleanor Roosevelt.

The best compliment I’ve ever received from a client is:

“Thank you, Melissa. You totally get me already.”

The truest branding advice I’ve ever heard is:

“People don’t buy what you do — they buy why you do it.” — Simon Sinek

I knew I’d arrived in the middle of my entrepreneurial ‘sweet spot’ when I:

Began receiving referrals from some of my Right People to work with their Right People. It showed me that the work we did together was valued by them, and that I had identified the perfect mix of my right people and right work.

One color I wish was in my visual brand but isn’t (yet) is:

An orangey-red, like chili powder.

My favorite question to ask people is:

If money was no object, what would you be doing with your time?

I can never get enough:

Red Rooibos tea. Hugs from my nephews. My husband’s blue eyes.

The next big business challenge for me is:

Developing our products.  I have a few ideas percolating that I know will turn into valuable resources for our clients. The challenge will be designating the time to develop them.  I know that the key is doing what I tell my clients to do: block off the time on the calendar!

In the comments, we’d love for you to:

Say hi To Melissa. What would you like to ask her about balancing the operational and the creative in your business? She’ll be watching out for your comments.

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

Jac McNeil November 23, 2012 at 7:08 am

LOVE you Melissa! You’ve made a huge impact on my business and I am so grateful Abby introduced us earlier this year. Thank you for your incredible professionalism–funny emails and being waaaay smarter at tech sh#t than I am. xoxoxo


Becky DiStefano November 23, 2012 at 7:27 am

Love this!!! Love Melissa! Can’t wait to see you again, Melissa! You inspire me!


Nancy Sherr November 23, 2012 at 8:10 am

I too, am so grateful to Abby — for many, many things — introducing Melissa to me is one. I’m so looking forward to working together with her and to see her oh so special fingerprint etched in our contributions to changing the world. Love your piece here Melissa, just beautiful! XO


Melissa Black November 23, 2012 at 9:51 am

Thank you so much for all the love! What a wonderful thread to see first thing this morning :-) xoxoxo


Wendie Tobin November 23, 2012 at 3:57 pm

Another chiming in to confirm your fabu-ness!


Stephen Bryer November 23, 2012 at 4:15 pm

Hi Melissa,
Thank you for expressing yourself in a way that makes it readily apparent what you stand for….and what your VOICE is. In my perspective it is also creative, intelligent and thoughtful.


Melissa Black November 23, 2012 at 5:52 pm

Wendie – Thank you! My person thinks I’m fab! xoxo

Stephen – I appreciate that! Those are all things that I try to be – thank you for sharing your perspective.


Susan Wilkinson November 26, 2012 at 1:16 pm

Melissa, I may be the only one commenting that hasn’t had contact with you already, but it’s clear from the comments and the post that I would! Nice to meet you. : )


abby November 26, 2012 at 4:53 pm

I love the collegiality here in this Comments section! Thanks, all, for giving Melissa such a warm welcome. She’s a gem. :)


Melissa Black November 26, 2012 at 7:20 pm

Thanks, Susan! Nice to meet you, too :-)

Abby — xoxo


Nikki November 29, 2012 at 6:47 am

Love you, Melissa — looking forward to seeing what 2013 brings the two of us ;) xoxo


Melissa Black November 30, 2012 at 9:19 am

Hi, Nikki! SO looking forward to 2013 :-) Sending love to you!


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