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This Is The Year To Be Who You Know You Are

by Abby Kerr

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A little girl wears fairy wings over her pajamas. She knows who she is.

Photo by Miss_Katrina_Beers courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons.

If you’re anything like me, you have trouble sometimes identifying what your Next Great Move should be.

You might have a strong feeling of what you want in your entrepreneurial life, but you struggle with which act will be your highest leverage one {and yes — you even think in buzzphrases like “highest leverage”}.

You know that feelings generate action and action leads to feelings, but you’re not sure which one should take the lead. {It’s the old chicken-or-the-egg debate.}

Maybe, like me, you worry about losing interest in your anticipated project before it’s even off the ground.

And the thought of losing interest in the thing you really want, the thing you feel you were born to do {mm-hmm, that thing}, is so sad you can hardly stand to dwell on it.

Because you know you want this thing, but even that doesn’t guarantee you’ll do what you have to do to get it. You know yourself: there might be something even more dazzly — even more well-authorized and vouched for and propagated and recommended — that pops up in your peripheral vision before you’ve taken the second step into your first vision, and you might decide you’d rather pursue the new thing.

Like you, my entrepreneurial passion regularly wanes in the shadow of all of these concerns. There are days — weeks — when I covet the easier, more structured lifestyle of my friends who are not self-employed, receive regular paychecks, benefits, and vacation days. My friends who, yes, have to make decisions at work, but the great majority of those decisions don’t directly and immediately impact when is the next time they’ll get paid. Their minds don’t necessarily spin at night with ideas for how they can next use their creative talents in the world.

I’ve just had to face it: I’m not naturally a Point A leads to Point B person. My routes to fulfillment have always been circuitous, intuitively fueled, and perhaps to onlookers, a bit devil-may-care. My crescendos of success certainly haven’t always come through steady plotting, but rather, through what I think of as “intuitive lunging.”

And, you know, ask any trainer: lunges hurt like hell when you’re doing them right.

I count myself lucky to be someone who’s able to identify very readily and easily what I want and how I want to feel.

It’s all the other stuff that gets in the way: the systems, the order of things, the ranking of leverage-ness.

This past week, I had my first coaching session with Sinclair of Self Activator. {She was coaching me, just so we’re clear.} During just our first session, she led me through a visualization process that helped me integrate my vision of what I want with the tools to apprehend how I’m going to get there.

And what I saw, felt, and knew at the end of that session was so beautifully, clearly obvious to me. The vision was whole and complete, colorful and tangible. It was me — who I know myself to be, even though the world hasn’t seen it yet.

The most important thing I took away from our hour together was this:

I’ll get where I want to go when I start living the life of the person I know myself to be…immediately, with the very next action I take.

Today, what I’d like to tell you is this:

You know who you are. You know who you see yourself to be in the future. You know.

You don’t need peer or mentor validation, social proof, a highly trafficked blog, a big commission, a completed manuscript in your desk drawer, or five figures in your bank account to tell you who you are. Or who you are becoming.

It doesn’t matter who else observes it, touts it, or approves of who you are and who you are becoming.

You know. And that’s the only thing that matters in helping you bring Future You a little closer into the Now.

I shared this thought in a Tweet yesterday,

@abbykerr's Tweet from January 1st, 2011

Sooooooo, what does that mean? It means that there is no magic from outside of you, no Deus ex machina.

But there is magic from inside of you. There’s intuition. Hunches. Stuff you love. Stuff you’re wildly good at. Stuff you hate. Stuff that drains you. Places you revel in being. Places you can’t stand being. Dreams. Fantasies. Vision. God.

There’s evidence of Future You — the you you know yourself to be — right there within you. In fact, your brain is steeping in it.

This is the year to be who you know you are. Don’t wait. See it, trust it, and take the very first action. This very hour.

In the comments, I’d love for you to feel free to share who you know yourself to be, and who you’re going to let yourself be this year.

{ 25 comments… read them below or add one }

Andy Dolph January 2, 2011 at 7:51 pm

Powerful stuf – and so true! It’s what brought me to:

And where I’m going.


Abby Kerr January 2, 2011 at 8:09 pm

Wow, Andy. Big visions are SO worth journeying toward. You see it. I’ll bet it looks, sounds, and feels absolutely crazy amazing.


Andy Dolph January 2, 2011 at 8:24 pm

Yup! I can’t wait! It’s going to be magic, and so is the journey to get there. And it come from exactly what you are talking about – being who I am, stripping away all the programing about who I should be and being ME!

Sent from my iPad


Michelle January 2, 2011 at 8:45 pm

This year, I’m going to let myself be someone who can learn from failure without feeling horridly ashamed and embarrassed about failing. (Planning on writing a blog post about that, in fact.) I’m going to let myself try new things and not care if they turn out 100% or not, and instead take joy in the fact that I stretched myself and tried something. (And learned from it!)


Abby Kerr January 2, 2011 at 10:41 pm

Hooray! That’s a GREAT New Self to move into. I’m a weirdo — I kind of like failure and really like quitting. I guess I figure it’s as much about the not-quite-rightness of whatever I was trying to do as it is about me.


Michelle January 3, 2011 at 3:54 pm

I wish I could be a weirdo like you in that respect, Abby! That’s a good way to reframe it. I’m trying to think of failures as learning opportunities, because I looove learning. So naturally I should love failing. That’s how I’m trying to think of it from here on out, anyways.


Jess Webb January 2, 2011 at 8:50 pm

Hi Abby!

Wow, this is powerful stuff and soooo on target with where I’m at right now. :)

I tend to get so caught up in the *shoulds* and looking to others or circumstances for validation, instead of just going for what I want, full force ahead. I get distracted by all kinds of things and can easily lose focus and forget what I’m moving toward.

That is changing, though, and I’m going to let myself be the passionate, phenomenal and powerful woman that I know I already am. I’m going into this year asking myself “What would I do if I was the best in the world at what I do?” and choosing to really focus on what’s important.

It’s full force ahead this year, and I’m excited to see the clarity and focus that comes as I move forward. :)


Abby Kerr January 2, 2011 at 10:44 pm

I can feel your enthusiasm and belief coming through the monitor, Jess! I have a feeling that 2011 is going to be an uncannily wondrous year for a lot of us.


Sarah Thacker January 2, 2011 at 10:06 pm

Thanks, Abby! I feel like you are inside my brain, just one step ahead! :) I eagerly look forward to reading everything you write and I’ve been devouring your archives! I feel like I’ve been getting to KNOW myself more and more…I just need to figure out how to translate that into making money!


Abby Kerr January 2, 2011 at 10:47 pm

Hey, Sarah! Wow, how’d I get inside your brain? ;)

Thank you so much for letting me know that my work and writing connects with you. Aggghhh!!!

I’m thinking that people who reallywant a business that aligns with their talents, gifts, lifestyle preferences, and inborn rhythms for producing and interacting — people like us! — do better when we take time to figure out how to create a custom biz model that lets us do all that. There might be many false starts along the way, but eventually you’ll stumble into some awarenesses that’ll just change everything!


Ricardo Bueno January 3, 2011 at 1:09 am

Re: “I’ll get where I want to go when I start living the life of the person I know myself to be…immediately, with the very next action I take.”

There’s something to read to myself at the start of every day. A few years ago I threw fear out the door and decided that I’m in control of my own future. Yes I’m going to make mistakes but that’s how you improve. Just be me, focus on doing what I know I do best (sometimes, figuring this out is difficult) and admit that it’s ok to ask for help along the way.

Every day, I’m in control of where I am and where I’m headed.

Happy New Year Abby!


Abby Kerr January 3, 2011 at 2:13 am

Happy New Year to you, Ricardo! I admire your hustle {I mean that in the most flattering way} and your graciousness to all you come in contact with. Connecting with you online has been among the brightest of bright spots in late 2010! Now on to 2011!


Info January 3, 2011 at 2:59 am

Hey, Abby, thanks for sharing your thoughts in a safe, friendly way. You are inspiring me from afar (remember the ‘mentor’ thing?) Love your stuff – feels honest and good. Go 2011!


Abby Kerr January 3, 2011 at 4:41 pm

Whoo-hoo! Let’s go!


Janelle January 3, 2011 at 4:18 am

Wow! This really resonated with me.
In December, my son had his first birthday and my new business passed the six month mark. My life right now, both entrepreneurially and personally, is full of “Next Great Moves” and trying to figure out who I am. I am really feeling the tension between establishing myself as a new business owner and being a new mom and the intense demands on both sides of my life. In 2010, I have sometimes envied my friends who are staying at home with their little ones and planning out play dates and homeschooling strategies. But, in 2011, I vow to give up those thoughts and organize my life in the way I like it – I am an entrepreneur and a better Mom for it – I am a Mom and a better business owner because of it – my son will not suffer, he will learn a lot from me about an industrious life. THIS is who I am.


Abby Kerr January 3, 2011 at 4:42 pm

Yessss!!!! Love your comment, Janelle. So strong, clear, and free! Happy birthday to your little boy and Happy Next Great Move-Making to you. I appreciate that you’re here. :)


Barbara Troeller January 5, 2011 at 12:03 am


It is good to know that there are other people in the world who don’t think having an extremely narrow niche is a crazy idea for financial as well as personal success. I’ve always had an unusual and narrow niche and it is paying off now. THANK YOU for so perfectly putting into words what others may be feeling, and for validating our passions as a viable way to live, to work, to succeed, and to love. I am hooked on your blog! Kind Regards, Barbara


Abby Kerr January 5, 2011 at 1:55 am

Thank you so much for this comment, Barbara! I think that niche-y is the only way to go for independently owned businesses. Otherwise, we’re competing with the larger generalist businesses and that’s generally not fun OR profitable! And as I teach in my e-course, niche-y does NOT have to mean narrow. Sounds like you’ve well discovered this for yourself.

Hope 2011 is your best year yet, business-wise and personally! :)


Audrey January 5, 2011 at 7:16 pm

Intuitive lunging. LOVE. IT.

I’ve felt unsettled lately…not sure exactly what direction to take in my quest to be the best ~me~. I think it’s going to involve allowing myself to take the circuitous intuitive journey that is mine alone. Thank you so much for telling me that it’s okay and that when the time is right I’ll know the right thing to do.



Abby Kerr January 6, 2011 at 2:07 am

Sweet. The nice thing is, there’s no time table for this self-evolution. There are, as I like to think of it, open seasons when conditions are ripe to support us. Sounds like you’re gearing up to enter one, Audrey!


Francie January 14, 2011 at 8:19 pm

Great post, Abby. I’m not feeling exceptional clarity on who I know myself to be BUT, I feel like I’m getting closer. :) “Authenticity” and “purpose” are two concepts that have been really resonating w/ me lately. The more I actively tap into those areas, the more I will uncover Future Me!


Abby Kerr January 15, 2011 at 2:45 pm

Francie —

You know that saying, the only constant in life is change? That’s becoming my life’s motto! In other words, I’m learning to embrace that I’m not the same today, and won’t be the same tomorrow, as I was a year ago. It sounds so basic and cliched, but this has been a big realization for me! All this to say that I’m with you: however much progress we can make in any one season of our life toward knowing ourselves better — it’s all for good!

Glad you’re reading. :)


Dr. Shannon Reece February 17, 2011 at 11:36 pm

Abby, Thank you for your honesty and transparency in this beautiful post! You are so right…how often do we hold ourselves back from being completely real because we are waiting for someone or something to validate us. Do we really have to live with such insecurity? After all, God doesn’t make mistakes. He created each one of us to be just who we are, and nothing less.

I think, like most still fairly new entrepreneurs, I have yet to fully discover my capacity, but the vision I hold is amazing! I know, intuitively, that I am moving each day one step closer, and am determined to let no one steer me from my course. As I wrote this week, sometimes you just need to quiet your life enough to hear your inner voice leading the way.


Abby Kerr February 18, 2011 at 4:21 pm

>I know, intuitively, that I am moving each day one step closer, and am determined to let no one steer me from my course. As I wrote this week, sometimes you just need to quiet your life enough to hear your inner voice leading the way.<

Yes! What you describe above can be really hard to do because we fear that by quieting the noise and consuming less input from others, we are missing out on the great thing we're supposed to get from them. When I start feeling this way, I remind myself how many people out there are doing amazing things with their lives without ever having heard this stream of advice I’m momentarily turning away from. That’s a reframe for me!

I so appreciate you including this post in your roundup!


Sharise Mershon January 29, 2014 at 11:00 am

Abby, I know this post is about 3 years old, but I’d like to thank you for writing it. I came across it this past fall and was too shy to comment then, but I bookmarked it. Today I reread it, and I have to say, you are so right!

When I first read this post, I loved what you said about circuitous routes and intuitive lunging (Still do. I’ve definitely experienced that in my business and my life.) and this really got to me:
“I’ll get where I want to go when I start living the life of the person I know myself to be…immediately, with the very next action I take.” “You know who you are. You know who you see yourself to be in the future. You know.” “And that’s the only thing that matters in helping you bring Future You a little closer into the Now.”
I’ve read advice along those lines before, but your words sparked a new level of understanding and helped that concept sink in on a deeper level for me. And now here we are about 4 months later, and I can say from experience that this is absolutely true!

When I first read this I was following an intuitive lunge with my business, and hoped that coming across your post was a sign that I was heading in the right direction. Well, one intuitive lunge lead to another, and I do feel like I’m heading in the right direction now. :)

I love your tweet! “No one can make it happen for you BUT you.” Beautiful. I’m taking action to make it (a successful, fulfilling, and fun business) happen, and trying to be more and more of future me in the process. I’m saving these quotes for inspiration. :) I’m really glad I came across this post. Thank you for writing it.


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