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This is the post I should’ve written for Going Pro Magazine.

by Abby Kerr

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Can I get a redo?

Going Pro Magazine 3rd EditionToday, my colleague Stephanie Pollock — who I discovered, when I Skyped with her last year, is every bit as intelligent and kind as she seems in her writing — released the 3rd edition of her digital magazine, Going Pro. I’m one of 14 women entrepreneurs featured in the mag.

Steph’s objective for publishing the mag is this: “to demystify success.”

Because, she says, when we read the perfectly edited blog posts, view the dreamy-filtered Instagrams, and scan the wittily and compassionately curated Tweetstreams of our favorite-to-watch online business owners, “we know we’re only getting the highlight reel.”

Isn’t this the truth?

Each contributor to the magazine wrote an article and completed a Q&A. Reading back through my article today, “3 Things To Cross Off Your To Do List While Going Pro,” I was struck by how hollow and plastic the piece feels. This is no fault of Stephanie’s: I was asked to bring it and to be ‘no holds barred,’ by I didn’t quite get there in this piece.

I do love the Q&A I did, though, because I articulated some thoughts about doing business that I’ve never put in writing before. There’s the jewel box metaphor, a mini treatise on pluck, and what I still struggle madly with in my own business. I’d love for you to read that Q&A, and to check out the contributions of the other 13 women (including Steph herself).

You can download your own digital copy of Going Pro Magazine, Edition 3, right here.

I’ve been thinking lately about the way we present our success to the “public” — whomever that is (that’s YOU, reader). And while I love the art and science of branding and putting a conversational best foot forward, I also believe that we could show up with a little more empathy — not only for the people who are drawn to do business with us, but for ourselves, and for our peers and colleagues in business.

And so I’ve put together a few more thoughts. This is the piece I should’ve submitted to Going Pro.

Here’s why it’s good to demystify success in business (especially as women) and how this helps us all have a better experience as brand creators:

1. BS breeds more BS, and the world does not need more BS.

Transparency is neither my highest Voice Value (it’s right smack in the middle of the 16, for me), and neither is it something entirely comfortable for me in public. In private, in a small group or 1-to-1, when I can look into your eyes and see that you’re trustworthy, I’ll tell you just about anything. Online, my face-to-the-public is a fairly tight-lipped one. But in those moments when I let my hair down (like yesterday, in this Facebook post), I’m always surprised by the overwhelming YES and THANK YOUs that come chorusing in from all around me. What? Other people legit feel this way, too? YES.

Dropping the BS is good for business — especially if you’re a perfectionist.

When we insist on living inside a filmy photo filter where everything looks dreamy and bokeh’d and just right, we perpetuate the notion that business is “easy-peasy” (a phrase that makes my skin crawl) and should be no more complex than tipping back a Mimosa on a sun-dappled balcony somewhere — if you can just figure out how to do it right.

As women in business (I’m calling out women here because that’s the target readership for Going Pro), we owe a modicum of honesty to each other about what it really takes to design our own work in the world, market it to sell, and deliver it excellently and with great love and care.

It’s intense.

2. Making it look easy is a feat, not a character strength.

You know what they say about ducks, right? They float along smoothly, skimming the surface of the water while paddling like hell underneath?

Yeah, that’s a lot of women business owners I know, to a greater or lesser degree.

Those who make business look easy, in my view, are people who are wired to make things look easy. (I admit that I fall in to this camp, in some ways.) Chances are, “making it look easy” is actually a stress behavior or a compensatory behavior covering up something else. Not to get all pathological on you, and not to say that we should go on and on about how hard the work of building a business can be and feel (because let’s be honest, building your own business is a lot of effing fun, too!), but to NEVER let anyone break the crust of our self-imposed perfectionism — that’s just tyranny of the soul.

A little reality check for our readers and clients, every once in a while, makes the work we create and deliver all the more human. What a gift and privilege it is to BE someone who gets to create for a living. There’s no shame in showing your hand from time to time, even if that hand has nail-bitten fingers.

3. Your success makes me better, and mine makes you better.

This is one that’s a toughie for many women business owners to embrace, especially because a Competitive stance (in business) runs counter to the Good Girl Regime so many of us were raised, schooled, and indoctrinated under. What I mean is — we were TAUGHT not to compete but to collaborate, compliment/complement, and cooperate, and so learning to embrace our Competitive edges was renegade — a fierce choice for self-centeredness (the good kind).

But now in the highly collaborative world of doing business online, women have to learn new ways to come together as peers and colleagues — not in competition with, but in collaboration with one other, and to do so while holding our powerful center. To collaborate with others goes against my nature to a large degree, and yet, I’ve learned to love it. Growing my business over the last 9 months from Abby Kerr Ink (a one-woman freelance show) to The Voice Bureau (a boutique agency specializing in brand voice, copy and content-writing, and marketing) has been the BEST professional move I’ve yet made. And I know there will be more moves that are wise and rich like this one was. (In my Going Pro Q&A, I share a little bit about how hard letting go of control was for me. Maybe you’ll be able to relate.)

It’s not that as business owners, we’re “called” to help others get better, stronger, faster. Not at all. Not all are called to teach, though we’re each teachers in our own way, even by example or from a distance and especially when we’re most unaware we’re being watched. I don’t think it’s wise or desirable for every business owner to teach others to do as she’s done.

But we are called, I believe, to learn that others’ strengths and successes are not a threat to us. Instead, others’ victories can be assets and resources for us. My success really does make you better, as you learn from watching me and interacting with my brand. And your success makes me better, as I learn from watching and interacting with yours.

So this is the post I should’ve written for Going Pro.

And now I have. Thanks for listening. Here’s to more de-mystification of success.

In the comments, I’d love to hear:

Do you like going behind-the-scenes of other people’s businesses and brands? What do you wish business owners would talk MORE about? Anything you’re sick of hearing about?

{ 24 comments… read them below or add one }

Leah July 17, 2013 at 2:39 pm

This is PERFECT. I just adore you. (I’m going to check out Going Pro, as well — but this post is A+.)


Abby Kerr July 17, 2013 at 2:51 pm

Let’s be friends.

Oh. We already are.


Natalie / Half Asleep Studio July 17, 2013 at 3:55 pm

I love the duck metaphor, and the idea of collaborating rather than competing. Great insights!


Abby Kerr July 17, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Thanks for reading, Natalie! Glad to have you here.


Stephanie July 17, 2013 at 4:29 pm

Oh Abby – this post is the EXACT reason why I was so excited to have you be part of this issue. Thank you — you never fail to inspire me.

Ironically, I really struggle with showing my hand too – in every possible personality test I’ve taken, including your Voice Values — Power always comes out on top. And so it’s easy for me to speak from that place – as the teacher or leader.

It’s harder for me to step into my own vulnerability (but I’m getting there thanks to people like Brene Brown). And yet, when I do — those are the posts that elicit the best responses and email replies. Go figure. ;)

Thank you again for helping me demystify success – I think people are ready for a little more realism in business.

xo Steph


Abby Kerr July 17, 2013 at 4:45 pm

They sure are, Steph. From one high Power value to another, I get it.

Thank you again for having me contribute to your beautiful & important convo. :)


Susan July 17, 2013 at 9:09 pm

I see this as a foil. Power is manifest. When powerful women are vulnerable and real it increases their power. I mean, hey, who doesn’t dig seeing Oprah cry and love and trust her more because of it?


Abby Kerr July 18, 2013 at 8:00 am

Good point! We all have great range, and our strengths are there to complement each other.


Marta Spendowska July 17, 2013 at 4:46 pm

Amen. And Amen to the ducks.

I think we, women particularly pretend that it’s all rainbows. “Say what? I’m struggling?!”—feels just not welcomed when all that’s around is polished.
Been there.
On one hand it’s a great preservatory trick — one just BELIEVES that it’s all great and acts like it is. On the other hand stuff bulks up underneath.
I love openness and so called/overused-word transparency. I love seeing the behind the kitchen story, because it’s usually a bit dirty in there. IF there is a story, not a complain. I am for hearing complains when I’m in the hip bar, drinking some awsm Belgian beer, with my friends.

Great post Abby! Love your work!


Abby Kerr July 18, 2013 at 8:47 am

Hi, Marta! Real is the easiest thing to maintain. And thank you. :)


Susan July 17, 2013 at 5:18 pm

How did I miss this post and the facebook confession from yesterday?? Oh yeah… I was busy getting my butt-kicked into being better by the work that you’ve exhausted yourself doing.

You are a treasure, Abby, on so many levels. Such wisdom and grace in your soul.

To your questions: I do like going behind the scenes. It inspires and encourages me to see what has helped other business-minded women get it done. What I would like to see more of is exactly what you’ve done here. More _elegant_ realness. Putting your work into the world—no matter what that work looks like—is as face-on-the-floor *hard* as it is feet-off-the-ground joyful. I think sometimes we’re so happy to finally cross the threshold that we forget to hold the door open for those right behind us.

Posts like this? They hold the door. Thank you.


Abby Kerr July 18, 2013 at 8:50 am

Elegant realness. I like that. Thanks.

And, oof — my recent exhaustion is not about the DIY. I tend to overwork no matter what. This is a lifetime trend for me.


Naomi Niles July 17, 2013 at 5:49 pm

This resonated with me, thank you Abby!

First off, I read your magazine article and I don’t think it sounded hollow. I found it helpful and informative, which I know is what a lot of people look for. I know how it feels though when you look at things later and they don’t feel quite right (I have a lot of these and need to figure out what to do with them).

Most of all though, I love that you touched base on being vulnerable, especially for women. There are so many reasons right now why we need to support each other. I won’t even begin to name them to avoid getting into politics…

We also really need to be more gentle with one another. I suspect most of us are dealing with more difficult things than it appears on the surface.

I’m guilty the same as anyone else with being very private. Putting oneself out there is scary, especially when you don’t know who’s watching or what they’re thinking and saying about you. It’s like the worst anxiety nightmare ever except you’re not naked…or maybe you are, what do I care? lol.

At any rate, I hope I can support you more in the future. :)


Abby Kerr July 18, 2013 at 8:50 am

We also really need to be more gentle with one another. I suspect most of us are dealing with more difficult things than it appears on the surface.

Yes. This is the stuff. Thank you for reading this.


sas July 18, 2013 at 12:31 am

You are so brilliant.
And respected, loved.
Now go nap xx


Abby Kerr July 18, 2013 at 8:51 am



Courtney July 18, 2013 at 9:08 am

Abby –

Jaw dropped. Wow. This is EVERYTHING that I try to articulate in my business. Thank you. And just…wow. I couldn’t have said it better myself.

To answer your question:

I love seeing behind-closed-doors. If you’re getting the results I want, then I want to know what your life looks like. Not just because I want to copy the way you check your email or the time of day that you exercise, but because I want to RELATE.

It was while Dr. Brené Brown’s book “Daring Greatly” that I realized that every time I make myself vulnerable to my audience, I get better, happier, more powerful feedback. It’s when I find my true fans.

I wish business owners would talk more about their daily lives. I’m sick of reading advice columns. I want to know what’s REALLY going on. That’s EXACTLY why I created a free newsletter for my audience that tells them precisely how I’m earning my money every month. It’s been a huge hit and it wasn’t until I read this article that I fully realized why. People CRAVE vulnerability and transparency.

Thanks so much for doing what you do.



debra disman July 18, 2013 at 9:40 am

love ya abby…thanks so much.
we are artists…creators…human.
how can we not show that?
it is why we work.


Abby Kerr July 18, 2013 at 2:43 pm

I agree, Debra! I’m happy you appreciate this.


Paul July 18, 2013 at 10:49 am

I just did a “behind the scenes” of self-publishing and selling my ebooks. It was scary and I didn’t want to come off as braggy, but it’s already one of my most popular articles. I think people find value in the nitty-gritty details and plus: we’re all a little nosy… and that’s not always a bad thing if we can learn from it :)

I can’t see EVER publishing a similar thing for my main business, since it feels too private to share for me, and because it’s so personalized/customized in what i do—but for side things that are more tangible, like a book, it seemed right.


Abby Kerr July 18, 2013 at 2:42 pm

I need to read that, Paul. Saw the email about it but haven’t yet clicked through. It’s on my list now!

I hear you about exposing inner secrets of your own primary business. I respect that every business owner — including me — has some secret sauce, or a particularly awesome back-end methodology, that they just don’t want to lay bare.


Lisa Murray July 23, 2013 at 3:37 am

Hi Abby
It seems to be the topic of the week – for me and my clients as well! On the weekend I had a chat with my mentor about this exact thing, and he pointed out to me how many people say things that just aren’t true about how well they are doing… and when I looked at the energy of that, it really is time to stop judging our inner selves against other people’s public personas!!

And yes to collaboration – I see it create magic almost every day!


Caroline Frenette Intuitive Leadership Coach July 23, 2013 at 4:58 am

I LOVE going behind-the-scenes of other people’s businesses and brands IF the brand (or person) featured is authentic, real and uplifting.

What I DON’T need to know is how much money they are making (people tend to inflate the numbers anyway) and it really is none of my business what your revenue/sales/net worth is. Truly successful brands/people tend to be discreet about that which I admire even more.

Congrats and LOVE the magazine Going Pro: shared with all my peeps!


Andrea Bailey July 31, 2013 at 11:57 am

Brilliant! I absolutely agree with this: “…we owe a modicum of honesty to each other about what it really takes to design our own work in the world, market it to sell, and deliver it excellently and with great love and care.”

Now off to Going Pro!


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