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Will I Ever Blog Again?

by Abby Kerr

in Uncategorized

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Looking for my blogging through thread.

So six of my last ten blog posts were, in fact, audios.

I’ve found via my Creative Solopreneur Podcast that I have an insatiable love for audio interviews. I like asking the probing questions, ruffling the layers, plucking out the underpinnings, and I enjoy throwing in a bit of entertainment here and there, too. {This explains my high school award-winning Speech & Debate tenure, my first career as a very animated high school English teacher, and my secret fantasy of being a Saturday Night Live cast member.}

My recent audio fascination has led me to wonder, will I ever blog again?

There are many reasons to blog, faithfully and intentionally and passionately. Blogging is great for SEO. Blogging is the vehicle of choice for people who don’t like audio. Blogging is [buzzphrase ahead] participating in the conversation.

But for the past several weeks, I’ve been excusing myself from really pressing into what I’m thinking and turning that outward in the form of a blog post. Sure, lots of people go through this. Lots of my clients struggle with maintaining a blogging schedule. Many of them aren’t writers by nature, and many of them get caught up in second guessing their ideas. I know how to talk them through this. It’s a normal part of Becoming a Blogger.

Trouble is, essentially, wholeheartedly, unapologetically, I’m a writer.

And so I feel that I should always have something to put out there. And should understand that judging what I’m thinking about is not such a hot way to stay in the flow.

It’s what I do and who I am. I’m not sure there’s a single hour of any day when I’m not thinking of a fictional character, turning over a line of poetry, or composting ideas for a potential nonfiction piece. It’s just how I make my way through my life.

But I’ve only funneled my unfettered writerly self into this blog in fits and starts.

I’m pretty sure this is because I’m still picking through the jewel box, so to speak. Entrepreneurial lessons in this drawer, musings about the creative life in that one. A #NaNoLove Tiny Audio hanging from that hook.

I’m sure that what I’m hunting for is the through thread, that motif that unifies it all. And so I’ve been blog hesitant lately.

And I’m getting some really good help with that. No, not the blog hesitancy. The through thread. Because that’s, like, the underlying issue.

This has been my season of learning from great teachers, namely Dave Navarro in More Buyers Mastermind, Laura Roeder in Creating Fame, and Natalie Peluso and Sinclair in Action Studio. I’m got my entrepreneurial vision and intentions in grad school. So I’m doing these three intensive business programs concurrently while I’m crazy enough to be writing the first draft of a novel in thirty days. {By the way, I should be writing my novel right now. My protag is at a bar, waiting for me to show up and orchestrate a meeting with her love interest.} And — oh, yeah! — I’m running a business here, too. Abby Kerr Ink is alive and kickin’ and taking new clients.

So I know, indubitably, yes. I will blog again.

Whenever my through thread starts to gleam in the tapestry of everything my mind and heart and soul is in love with. That could be tomorrow. That could be next week.

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Alison November 7, 2010 at 12:05 am

Yup. I don’t know what to say on my blog right now, and it’s not because there’s nothing, there’s just far too much and it’s all out of order.


Abby Kerr November 7, 2010 at 12:56 am

I hear ya. Everything right now feels like composting. I’m trusting that by the end of this year, I’ll have a framework for all of this new understanding. :)


Caryn Caldwell November 7, 2010 at 12:23 am

Is NaNoWriMo making it hard to focus on writing outside of your book? Sometimes it’s hard to be equally creative everywhere, and for many the blog is the first to go.


Abby Kerr November 7, 2010 at 12:58 am

You could say that. Though I’d say I’m equally committed to giving my all to each of the biz programs, the book, and my business. It’s just a really intense time. I find myself sleeping hard and deep at night, which is good. You know how when you lift weights, your muscles get tiny tears in them and the repairing of the tears is how the muscle builds and sculpts. That’s what’s happening to me right now, too, but in my brain and spirit!

Figure I’ll have time to work on the bod in 2011. LOL


Charley Forness November 7, 2010 at 11:48 am

Ha, nice to see that you’re working through three of the same programs I am, Abby. I found Dave first and have been eating up his MasterMind info for six months and then I got into Creating Fame but I can’t make the coaching calls and she seems to not be recording them. And now I am part of Action Studio and really getting tremendous benefit from that.

I’ve done NaNoWriMo each of the last nine years, finishing only twice. Cheating this year as my “novel” is actually my manuscript for my Action Studio eBook, but hey, no one’s keep score….or are they?

BTW, I consider audio podcasting to still be blogging even if you’re a writer at heart. I found you via David Crandall’s interview, whom I found thanks to Action Studio…it’s a small world after all.

Warm Regards,



Abby Kerr November 7, 2010 at 1:40 pm

Hey, Charley! —

That is a-MA-zing — and reassuring — to know that I’m not the only one triple-layering it this Fall. I have to belief that building on the wisdom of all four teachers will bring my business into a new era in 2011. I admire Dave, Laura, Nat, and Sinclair for four entirely different reasons. So all this works feels very comprehensive.

BTW, did you hear from Laura’s mouth that she isn’t recording the implementation calls? I wasn’t able to be on the first implementation call this week and I noticed it hasn’t popped up on the site, but I asked on Twitter and someone told me that she was under the weather, had to cancel the call early, and promised to reschedule. So maybe they WILL be posted {we can hope}.

And thanks for letting me know how you found me outside of the programs. It is a small world, indeed!


Charley Forness November 7, 2010 at 3:42 pm

No, I did not hear from Laura’s mouth, or from any one else, for that matter, so I don’t want to start a rumor. I just noticed that it hadn’t been posted several days later and we hadn’t really any explanation in email as to what was going on.. In fact, I wasn’t even aware that she cut the call early due to not feeling well, till you told me.

She did mention on the site previously that everything would be recorded so let’s hope so. Unfortunately, I am stuck on my day job during the time she is recording those.


Abby Kerr November 7, 2010 at 7:27 pm

Fingers crossed! I’m curious, too, as yes, we haven’t heard anything by email yet.


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