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This holiday season, The Voice Bureau is offering up a list of our favorite gifts, organized by the Voice Values who will most appreciate them. Join us in a bit of festive cheer as we count down the 16 Days of Voice Values!

How can you tell if your friend values Accuracy? They’ll be the first with a Facebook fact check, with an eye for detail, spot-on grammar, and a chart for every occasion. But just because they color within the lines doesn’t mean they aren’t colorful!

When shopping for someone with a high Accuracy value, precision is everything. Help them geek out on organization with an agenda that has plenty of room for notes or a journal for cataloging every nuance of their favorite hobby, or give them a chance to find Zen in the details as they measure, record, and focus. Trust us, it will be exactly what they’re looking for.



Greater Goods Nourish Digital Kitchen Food Scale and Portions Nutritional Facts Display

Anyone who’s done any serious baking knows that weighing your ingredients gives a better result than measuring them with cups and spoons — especially if you venture into gluten-free baking. This scale does double duty, with a cool digital readout of nutrition facts, so you can have your cake and exactly 300 calories of it, too.




Vintage set of pocket Thesaurus, Dictionary, and Book of Greek Art

People with a high Accuracy value understand the importance of having just the right word for what they’re trying to say. Of course, with smartphones, the internet is right at our fingertips all the time, but pulling out a gorgeous vintage book out of your pocket adds a real sense of flair that you just don’t get from Google.






Patterns of the Universe: A Coloring Adventure in Math and Beauty

The adult coloring book craze seems to be everywhere these days, but this particular book is especially soothing for the high-Accuracy set. With designs derived from math and science, there are hours (and hours…and hours…) of coloring zen to be found in these pages.






2017 Paperback Agenda

While some people swear by digital calendars, we think a great agenda is worth its weight in gold. This one is sleek, chic, and simple. And with both one-month and one-week sections, there’s plenty of room for detailed day-to-day notes and the bigger picture overview.




Moleskine Wine Journal

For high-Accuracy wine-lovers, cataloging new favorites is easily half the fun. This journal features a standard set of qualifications and questions for each wine’s page, which ensures a consistency in responses that your recipient will appreciate as they’re trying to select just the right pairing for their next dinner party.


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Check out the rest of the Gift Guides in this series.



16 Days of Voice Values

2016–what a year it’s been.

By many accounts, it’s been one of the toughest and most intense in recent memory. Here at The Voice Bureau, we’re feeling a lot right along with you.

Admittedly, I (Abby) felt a little sheepish coming out with a holiday gift guide series right now, given the rough waves rocking our collective boat. I didn’t want a focus on gifting to come off like, And now, ladies and gentlemen…back to business as usual! But this particular series isn’t business as usual, in my eyes. We’d planned this series for good reason, and for good reason, we’re carrying on.

Here’s the reason: if there’s one thing that can get us through difficult times, it’s friendship and family.

And friends who feel to you like family and family you’re lucky enough to call friends. Whether you’re connecting with your people online, in-person, or a mix of the two, it’s these genuine connections that make us feel seen, known, understood, safe, and loved.

And if you’re in the mood to give a loved one a gift this holiday season — to say thank you for being in my life, thanks for being someone who sees me — we wanted to support you in doing that. So we decided to put together a gift guide grounded in our Voice Values methodology, which is part of what you know us for around here.

We’ve taken care to include a mix of vendors, from big boxes with super fast shipping (when time is of the essence) to indie shops (because when isn’t supporting the little guys a priority?) to retailers who have an altruistic mission and give some portion of their proceeds back to support communities in need. We also should say that we’ve used no affiliate links. We’re not getting any kickbacks from anything you may end up purchasing, and we have no affiliation with any of the vendors whose stuff we’ve shared, except for maybe we’ve purchased from them a time or two. :)

We hope you enjoy this 16 Days of Voice Values series, and that it inspires you to connect with your beloved people this season through the joy of gift-giving.

For quick referencing later, here’s the complete list of posts, by Voice Value. 

If you’re discovering this series as we’re live-posting it, we’ll be updating the list every time a new post is published.