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VOICE PROFILE Feature: Corrina Gordon-Barnes, women’s business coach

by Abby Kerr

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Over the past couple weeks, I’ve seen again firsthand the value in showing people what you do as a creative pro. As in — real life examples.

If you’re a web designer, flaunt a full and varied portfolio. If you’re a photo stylist, post videos of your work-in-action. If you’re a life coach, give a sample Mp3 of a live session. And, if you’re a copywriter and Voice Ally [ahem], show people the way you ‘read’ brand voices. And so I did, first in this post featuring Danielle LaPorte, Marie Forleo, and Chris Guillebeau, and then in its follow-up profiling people who volunteered on Twitter.

Today I’m featuring a complete, unedited version of a client’s actual VOICE PROFILE, thanks to the  generous permission of Corrina Gordon-Barnes, business coach at You Inspire Me.

Corrina Gordon-Barnes from You Inspire Me, VOICE PROFILE client of Abby Kerr Ink
Corrina Gordon-Barnes

Click here to check out Corrina’s complete VOICE PROFILE.

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Since launching my VOICE PROFILE service about a week ago, my current turnaround time has increased from 3 business days to 7 business days. Go here to learn more and to book yours now.

In the comments, I’d love to hear from you . . .

Does seeing real-life examples of other creative pros’ voices-in-action give you more understanding into your own? Something to push off of, or compare yours to? Is this helpful to you?

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Elinor Wilde March 22, 2012 at 4:28 pm

I have come to know Corrina’s voice well over the last 7 months having been a participant in her Passion to Profit course and this voice profile gives me goosebumps it is so spookily accurate.  Abby you are like a spirit medium of the voice – you channel others’ personalities through knowing their written voice.  Just had a funny image of you with a crystal ball and a dodgy velvet shawl over your head as you pour over folks written work!  Suffice to say I am SO impressed by your eloquent accuracy – you have a rare skill.


Abby Kerr March 22, 2012 at 8:58 pm

Thanks so much for witnessing me & articulating that, Elinor. I’m glad to hear that my profile of Corrina’s voice resonates with one of her very own clients. :)


Kimberly Houston March 24, 2012 at 1:05 pm

Yes, real-life examples are amazingly helpful!  Good for comparing and contrasting, and great for seeing, as in your e.g. here (the PDF), what actually *isn’t” working, with respect to voice.  I think many of us get on an intuitive level when we’re not being true to our authentic selves online, but writing from our core DNA can feel challenging.  The e.g. you provide here offers excellent insight into what’s “off,” which to me is almost more useful as a takeaway than what’s “on.”  I love what you’re doing here, it rocks.


Abby Kerr March 24, 2012 at 7:39 pm

Thanks, Kimberly. Glad to know that real life examples are helpful for you. More to come in future posts!


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