A look at this Summer {so far} at Abby Kerr Ink and beyond . . . and maybe your Summer, too. I know it’s not Summer everywhere right now, but let’s take this as a metaphor, shall we?
I woke up from a dream one morning this Summer, sat up in bed, and said to myself, “My writing is my own.”
I had let myself forget how important my creative writing is to me. My business is a creative act, and so, I’ve been letting it feel like enough for far too long. While knowing it isn’t enough.
I know you know what I mean. There’s something in your life that’s awaiting your attention, your love. Like what Hiro talks about here in this gorgeous piece about the miracle of ‘unadorned attention to what is.’
It may be your business. It may not be.
This Summer, my personal and professional realm has been expanding and integrating at the same time. Yeah, pretty frickin’ tricky to feel two seemingly opposing dynamics work in me at once, but here I am. The process here for me has been about beholding what wants to happen, and letting it — not trying to steer it forcefully.
The realm of you is bigger than just your business. Bigger even than your most beloved creative acts. That we know.
My business mentor Sinclair laid down this little gem in my path at Profit Catalyst — which is where I was fortunate enough to be in June for three days in Portland, with thirty or so other amazing creative entrepreneurs:
“It’s okay to bring all of you to the table when trying to be in collaboration with your business. Collaboration is only exhausting when you leave one of your parts off the table.”
Ah, yes.
So – this Summer, I’ve said another fervent yes to my writing, which is my own.
Yes to poetry. Yes to short stories. Yes to that novel manuscript I weekly add ideas to in a OneNote file saved to my desktop. Yes to the Writer Me who emerged at the time in my life when I discovered that language was something that bubbled up inside of you and could be — had to be — turned outward.
And that ownership of and invitation to all of my parts meant that for three weeks, I took my direct gaze off of my business and allowed it to alight where it wanted to.
So I was quiet over here on the site and that was okay with me. Because I was in collaboration with my business and my creative self.
Splendor and pain and progress and peace. It was all there.
And I welcomed it all in.
Editor’s Note: the service described below was available for Summer 2011 only {U.S. Summer, that is}, and is no longer available. Please see the full-service Lustermaker.
Which made me realize, there’s so much more here than I’d given myself access to — even within my business.
‘Here’ as in available, present, accessible, at play, ready to come forth.
And within that so much more is possibly . . . you.
I work with creative entrepreneurs this way, usually, but this feels like the season to work with you in a lighter way, too, and it’s this. Editor’s Note: again, this post has been edited as the Lite version is no longer available.
I want my calendar to fill up with new people, and I also want to work again with past clients who are ripe for a redux.
I want you to work with me on this if you have one or two readily apparent {to yourself} parts of your digital brand identity that need some love and power.
We can go a long way in a little while. {That’s how I live. And deliver my work. And I know it’s what your brand wants.}
You don’t have to wait forever. This is the season. Invite it in.
What’s up next — an announcement of a new project I can’t even believe this is the season for, a video series about ruling your realm {here’s the last video I made, for a project belonging to Jen Louden}, and a new freebie for my Inklings people.
And more room and time at the table for my writing? Yes.
How about you? What are you ready to bring to the table, to invite in, to your business or creative life? Give acknowledgment to it in the comments.